Peter goes on in Chapter 3 and begins to somewhat put the Israelites in their place. Sharing with them, rather forcefully, how they missed out, killed the Messiah, and now it was time to change their ways. He mentions the big 3, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, just to make sure he has their attention.
He then describes Jesus in a unique way...the Author of Life. What a great metaphor for Jesus. Authors originate things. They create story lines that capture our minds and cause us to not want to put "the book" down. They use words to convey messages, develop opinions, and promote discussions. Peter made a careful distinction here by not just calling him Jesus. The Pharisees felt threatened by Jesus. So for Peter to make him the "Author of Life" it actually raised his "status" to beyond just a prophet or disciple of Satan, etc.
Also, the appropriateness of Jesus being an "Author" is related to him being "the word" as mentioned in John 1. And then in Hebrews, Jesus is called "the author and finisher of our faith..."
So how is your book coming along? Have you taken it to "the Author" for editing lately? Are you reading the same old boring words, or are you looking to enrich your vocabulary by being editable and moldable? Do you present yourself as a blank page (Romans 12:1-2) on a regular basis?
Not that I am there...but I hope to live as a "man they would write about..." This is an old 4 Him song (dating myself some), but I hope "the Author" hears these as sweet words........
Unique! That was a wonderful thought that I can think on for a long time. Never gave thought much to what people would say after I was gone. Thanks for sharing those thoughts and the song.