Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Where is your beautiful gate?

Finally, I have made it to the 3rd chapter of Acts.  The apostles have been filled with the Holy Spirit and are now on a mission.  So Peter and John were headed to the temple, per their usual schedule, I suppose.  Interestingly, the place where they entered the temple, stated as being a gate, is called Beautiful.  The irony that I felt as I read this little passage at the beginning of Chapter 3, is that the scene of a lame beggar asking for money, does not promote beauty in my mind.

My mind began to wander...big surprise there!!  I probably have the chance to be Peter everyday.  I am by no means rich.  I try to give to worthy causes and all, but don't have cash just laying around to give to everyone who asks...probably a lot better off than Peter....but I'm pretty sure I have what Peter had, and what he offers to the man at the gate called Beautiful.

So, I said to myself, "Self, who are the lame beggars in your life?  Who are the people who need something beyond the tangible?  Who in your life needs Jesus?  Where is the "gate called Beautiful" that I have to pass through everyday?  Am I in such a routine that I don't notice those around me who need what I have?

Where is your beautiful gate....and are there any lame beggars sitting there in need of what you have??......

Footnote-- This is an actual photo of the Gate called Beautiful


  1. Reminds me of that "Homeless Man With The Golden Voice" story from here in Columbus a few weeks ago. Here's a guy that was sitting at the gate called beautiful and someone gave him what they had (time and attention). The rest is history. Yes he's ended up in rehab, but the greater point is that he had a gift that was sitting outside that gate and so many just ignored him. Makes you wonder what other gifts people have that are missed. Great post my friend. Keep up the great work!

  2. Thanks man! Took me a while to find the hack to be able to put in a "reply to comment" option on Blogger. Appreciate you and your posts. Hope you don't mind I jumped on the "Booksneeze" bandwagon.
