Friday, March 18, 2011


We started a sermon series at church this week.  It is based on the book Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby.  He is truly one of the great modern day pastors/writers.  You can read more about him and his book at the above links, but the basis of this particular book is that there are 7 realities to "experiencing God." 

The first is this:  God is always at work around you.  So pastor gave us a two-fold challenge.  We turned our palms up and simply said, "God, I want to know you."  Second, we put our hands on our hips, stuck our necks out as if straining, got a little wide-eyed...all to remind us to look around and try and see where God is working.

Tuesday I went to the local rec center.  Normally, I am already changed from softball practice and can head right to the treadmill.  For some reason (one I now know), I didn't change for practice, and had to go to the locker room.  I walked in on a conversation between two mid-50's men, and my ears perked up quickly when I heard "...he's not a Christian.  What is a Christian anyway?..."  They were semi-arguing (I later found out they were talking about Pres. Obama) about a decision that he had recently made or some statement he had said.

Emmet noticed I was listening, and promptly invited me into the conversation (God is always working).  We went on, Emmet and I, to have about 1/2 an hour conversation about "christian."  He was a Church of God member, now part of a "Baptist Ministry."  He was careful not to say church, as we both shared a like-mindedness that our "church" should not define us.  I could go on and on about the conversation, but there is a part of me that believes that is between Emmet and I.  Sorry.

Where is God working around you?  Turn your hands up....strain your neck a little....get a little just might run into Emmet!


  1. HI...I'll try this again...
    Thanks for your thoughts. It always makes me look at myself and see what I need to do to help others and myself. Have a good week. God bless each day we have and may we always be willing to stick out our neck for a good cause of Jesus Christ. Mom

  2. Thanks mom! Glad you are feeling OK. Appreciate all your comments.

    Love ya,

