Knee deep into softball season. Time is very precious these days. One thing that has caught my attention lately at school is the number of students that greet me with "Hey coach." Some of these are students that I have coached directly...others I have just been in the ranks of the program and have just crossed paths because I am involved and they are a direct instruction, if you will. The thing that has struck me is that I am still their "coach." For some reason, they have put me in that rank and file in their brain sorting. I must admit that feels pretty good. It also is a big responsibility....I don't want to let these students down.
I wonder if winning and losing is really what makes someone a great coach in a player's mind. Have there ever been great coaches who haven't won anything? As I finish this, March Madness is getting ready to start. In my opinion, one of the purest contests that still exists in the sports world today. Pre-million dollar salaried athletes pouring out everything they got in a one-and-done tournament.
I like to watch the coaches in these contests...they also seem to be in it for the pure pursuit of victory. I'm sure I am somewhat naive and don't know all that is at stake, but it seems like most of them have really great relationships with their players. The coach is not just trying to manage personalities, but players are actually looking to be a coached...I hope I never pass up a moment to teach
Not only do you coach sports....but you are coaching your children, their friends and young adults in your circle.....I pray that God continues to use you to make a difference!