Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year's Resolution

Hey Everyone.  I tried this once before, and did not do a very good job.  I am looking for a way to hold myself accountable to keep track of what I wonder about spiritually.  My goal is to keep an online journal of sorts and share it with you, the people I consider solid influences on my spiritual development.  I hope to post a couple times a week.  I am not asking anything of you necessarily, but thought I would provide you some light reading when you are wandering around cyberspace and your email does not have anything too interesting in it. 

The title, Catterpillar Musings, goes back to a quote that I used when I started my teaching career at Orange High School...."There is nothing about a caterpillar that gives us any indication that it will someday be a butterfly"  I think there are things we think about and experience that somehow come together to form who we are and who God intends for us to be...we just don't always share them.  So this is my attempt to share them.  Please feel free to comment.


  1. Ern,
    You know the old song What Kind Of fool am I, i rank right up there but am on my way back.
    My meetings are going well and the swelling in my legs is going away. The Lord is working with me to over come the problems that I have caused.
    Always believe in a power much stronger than we are, look straight ahead and try to never look back.One day at a time !

  2. Dear Ernie,
    I have always been your most proud cheerleader. You have taught me so much over the years and I have tried to be there when needed to offer guidance and direction that is in accordance with God's leading. You are loved unconditionally - I will be checking in to see what is new here on your journey for 2011.... Love, Aunt Peg

  3. Ernie,
    I look forward to your thoughts, journey, and musings. I like your title I am in a position in life to look back...and couldn't agree with you more as I so often ask myself..."Who would have known." The pieces of live are a strange assortment of the good, bad and the ugly and it seems God doesn't let us know how the pieces fit until we get other pieces of the puzzle put together. My puzzle is probably a bit further along than yours, but I'm not sure I see the pieces any better than you. It's a journey. Glad to be along.

  4. I look forward to your blog posts. My mother always said "if you want something done, ask a busy person"......and I think those words fit you exactly. You not only give of yourself to many others....but finding time to blog will be one more way to give back to the one who is center of your life - GOD - I look forward to the insights you will share here. I pray that this blog will be used by God to help others along this life journey to one day be united with him for eternity.
