Monday, January 31, 2011

On balance and being a disciple

So I have arrived to the famous scripture in Acts 2:42-47 that most churches reference when they are discussing/training/justifying the small group ministry they are starting/involved in/trying to resuscitate.  Ironically, a friend wrote a post the other day containing an article about the idea of questioning small group ministries.  I hope he doesn't mind if I allow people to access it here.

The writer is convinced that small groups don't work.  I disagree with the statement, but not the principle.  For that matter, sermons don't work.  Should we stop preaching?  I think too much of anything can be harmful, that doesn't mean it is totally dysfunctional.  He states that "Small groups are things that trick us into believing we’re serious about making disciples."  He goes on that it is just a time to "develop shallow friendships" and "helping Christians feel connected" I think that can happen when people become too comfortable, but is that a symptom of a larger problem?  Say...a church that has become so good at creating disciples, that they forget to bring new people in to be discipled?  I do agree with his take that some churches have looked to small groups as the "magic bullet", but they have been sadly disappointed.

I agree with what I think he is saying about not being able to "force" relationships, however, the verse says "go and make disciples..." so there has to be some action on our part.  We cannot sit around and "spontaneously" wait for people to form relationships, in hopes that the Good News will be heard.  I think it has something to do with balance...

A balance between growing my personal relationship with God and sharing my personal relationship with others.  I think we are shy to share our personal relationship with others because we are not sure if we are keeping up with the growth expectation of others.  I also think we share with others (do and say all the right Christian stuff) to avoid the fact that we know we have not had much growth lately.  It is a paradox of sorts. 

We have been using Rob Bell videos ( in our small group/Sunday School for the past couple months.  Yesterday's was titled Rhythm...about being in tune.  About how some people know the song, but are still out of tune....about the idea that maybe their is a song playing all the time and it is up to us to get in really got me I really a disciple?  Here is a trailer...try and watch the whole vignette if you ever have a chance


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